Preparing for the trip back to my village, Quang Tri

By Henry Liem

Nothing is more enjoyable for me than sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Saigon watching the heavy rain pours down from the dark sky occasioning with loud and terrifying lightning thunder. The whole thing always reminds me of the fighting in my province more than 35 years ago – when I used to climb up the branches of a jackfruit tree to watch the B-52 bomb runs about 10 miles to the north at the DMZ area.

Lightning thunder and B-52 bombs sounded strangely the same to me. They made me feel alive with fear and a weird sense of entertaining explosive power. Yes, as a boy, I did enjoy watching B-52 bombing.

This time I plan to go back to the very location where the B-52 bombs dropped, including my childhood home – which is now a big depression in the middle of a sweet potato garden. One cannot live pass the sound of his childhood – I say. And the sound of B-52 bombs has always been with me. One thing is for sure: War was not boring!

Until next time.

About Henry Liem

Henry Liem is an attorney in San Jose and a professor of philosophy at San Jose City College. He is the author of three books on law and philosophy and numerous articles on various topics. He was a staff writer for The Tenderloin Times, a monthly newspaper that served San Francisco’s Tenderloin community, and a copy editor for the Viet Mercury, the Vietnamese-language weekly published by the San Jose Mercury News and the first Vietnamese newspaper published by a U.S. media company. He currently writes a column entitled "From The Left" for VTimes, a Vietnamese-language newspaper in Silicon Valley.

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