Stories by VRP Fellows

Vietnam Revisited
In this CBS5 Special Report a reporter returns to her homeland to examine the lasting toll of Agent Orange, the toxin used by the US military to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam.

Unfinished Business
This powerful six-part series in The Plain Dealer explores the complex issues and the enduring legacy of Agent Orange in both Vietnam and in the United States.

The Forgotten Ones
A three-part radio series delves into Agent Orange's impact on Vietnam's land and its people 35 years after the war's end.

Healing a Wounded Heart
LA Times multimedia piece on a program that raises money for rehab, job training and surgeries for Vietnamese suffering from Agent Orange-related congenital heart defects.

The Leaves Keep Falling
An intimate video portrait of two families as they cope with the day-to-day struggles of raising children whose disabilities have been linked to Agent Orange.

Student Projects
In Ho Chi Minh City, organizations work hard to assist the growing number of Vietnamese disabled by disease, accidents or exposure to Agent Orange.

A Terrible Legacy
Photographer Catherine Karnow documents the day-to-day struggles of two families as they cope with the multigenerational impact of Agent Orange exposure.

VTimes Agent Orange Reports
In 2010, VTimes, a San Jose-based Vietnamese-language newspaper, published a series of articles, columns and photographs about Agent Orange in Vietnam.