Charles Bailey has received the Huân chương Hữu nghị Việt Nam, the highest honor accorded by the Government of Vietnam to non-citizens in recognition of his work as the Ford Foundation’s representative in Vietnam for more than a decade. The citation from the president of Vietnam reads: “[presented] to Dr. Charles R. Bailey, an American […]

Have Agent Orange studies ignored Vietnamese vets in the U.S.?
In a first-person article appearing on the New California Media website, health reporter Ngoc Nguyen highlights the lack of studies regarding the health effects Agent Orange/dioxin exposure has had on Vietnamese soldiers who immigrated to the United States following the Vietnam War. American forces sprayed 19 million gallons of Agent Orange and other herbicides during […]

VRP panel planned for Berkeley Agent Orange conference
Representatives of the Vietnam Reporting Project will discuss its award-winning coverage of the consequences of Agent Orange contamination in Vietnam at the upcoming conference “Agent Orange and Addressing the Legacy of the War in Vietnam.” VRP Director Jon Funabiki, editor De Tran and photographer Catherine Karnow will participate in the “Vietnam Reporting Project: The […]

‘Leaves Keep Falling’ selected for Media That Matters Film Festival
“The Leaves Keep Falling,” a short film by Julie Winokur and Vietnam Reporting Project fellow Ed Kashi, will be screened at the 11th annual Media That Matters Film Festival in New York on Oct. 27. Videographer/photographer Ed Kashi and photographer Catherine Karnow traveled to Da Nang, Vietnam as Vietnam Reporting Project fellows in the summer […]

‘Unfinished Business’ receives APME Journalism Excellence Award
The Plain Dealer has won the 2011 APME Journalism Excellence Award in International Perspective for it’s six-part series “Unfinished Business,” by VRP fellow Connie Schultz.

‘Leaves Keep Falling’ selected for Artivist Film Festival
The 15-minute film by Julie Winokur and VRP fellow Ed Kashi, has been selected for Artivist Film Festival and has received an award in the category of “Environmental Preservation.”

Nick Ut receives AAJA Lifetime Achievement Award
Vietnam Reporting Project fellow Nick Ut is the recipient of the Asian American Journalists Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, the organization’s highest individual honor.

Karnow wins gold at Prix de la Photographie
Vietnam Reporting Project fellow Catherine Karnow has been awarded a gold medal for her Agent Orange photo series in the “Professional, Press-Features” category by the Prix de la Photographie. The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and to introduce photographers from around the world […]

Vietnam-US joint venture to clean up Agent Orange underway
The Associated Press reported on Friday that Vietnam has begun sweeping for ordinances around the Da Nang airbase once occupied by the US military. This marks the first phase of a joint plan with the US to clean up environmental damage caused by the chemical defoliant Agent Orange, a lasting legacy of the Vietnam war. […]

Los Angeles Times Publishes Agent Orange Package
The Los Angeles Times has published a powerful multimedia package about programs in Vietnam to provide surgeries to children suffering from congenital heart defects believed caused by exposure to Agent Orange. The package starts in the print edition with a text story by Bob Pool, and then it moves to the website with a video […]