Vietnam says more than 3 million people suffer from disabilities and cancers because of Agent Orange. K.Oanh Ha explores the plight of America’s former allies.

A Haunted Landscape
Thirty-five years after the war in Vietnam ended, the chemical Agent Orange still pervades the soil of the southeast Asian nation. In many places, the land remains scarred. None of America’s former military bases has yet been cleaned up.

The Scars of Agent Orange
Vietnam says more than 3 million people suffer from disabilities and cancers because of Agent Orange. We travel to Vietnam to explore the plight of America’s former allies.

Speaking Out After Decades of Silence
The Forgotten Ones: A Legacy of Agent Orange – Part 1 of 3 (This program aired on KQED’s The California Report on Nov. 22, 2010.) By K. Oanh Ha California is home to many Vietnamese-Americans who fought alongside the U.S. during the Vietnam war. Over time, these soldiers developed cancers because of their exposure to […]